Get One of The Waterproof Sex Toys
Whether you're a seasoned pool player or have never even worn a bathing suit, it's important to recognize that giant vibrators can swim. Vibrators are waterproof, and therefore capable of swimming with you in up to 6 feet of water for 30 minutes. The only time they won't work is if the toy itself isn't waterproofed—so if you're not sure whether your new toy is waterproof or not, check the packaging or just do an online search: most manufacturers will tell you right on their website!
Your vibrating silicone dildo can swim. Most waterproof vibrators are designed to be used in the bath or shower, but they're also a great option for use in pools and hot tubs. Some models are even designed specifically to be used while swimming, so you can keep your hands free as you glide through the water.