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If you or someone you love has anxiety and/or depression, it can affect every aspect of your life—and sex with G-spot stimulator for women is no exception. If you're having trouble in the bedroom, this could be because anxiety and depression can make it hard to connect with others and feel comfortable in the bedroom.Depression makes it difficult to enjoy sex, so if you struggle with feeling depressed more often than not, that alone may contribute to sexual problems with a partner. In fact, some people who have experienced sexual abuse or assault may find that their negative feelings about sex get worse when they're depressed. Depression also causes low self-esteem (which makes it harder to enjoy being intimate), anxiety about performance (which affects how well men perform in bed), sleep disturbances (which can make it hard for anyone to get into the mood), changes in appetite and weight control (you might feel too tired or unmotivated to eat healthy foods), irritability (so maybe don't try asking for what turns you on!), insomnia (which leads directly back into the previous bullet points)…and pretty much everything else under this umbrella as well!