Long Distance Sex Toys
If you're not getting regular orgasms, it's time to make some changes. The remote control vibrating sex toys are good for your health and the health of your relationships.So what makes an orgasm so great? First off, they boost our immune systems. The rush of endorphins that follows an orgasm helps us feel happier and more relaxed, which gives our bodies a boost when we need it most. And these feelings can last long after the sex is over: according to one study of college students in their 20s and 30s, people who had sex at least once per week were less likely than others to get sick during cold and flu season.Another benefit? A better night's sleep! Orgasms increase levels of oxytocin (the body’s natural relaxer) in women—and even more so for women who had multiple orgasms throughout the day—meaning that after having sex with yourself or with another person (or both), you’re more likely to fall asleep faster than usual without any interruptions from anxiety or stressors that might keep you up at night before bedtime arrives where they will send those wonderful thoughts on their way while also leaving behind sweet dreams filled with images from whatever fantasies got brought up while playing around earlier tonight!